Sculpting The Black Max, Part 3

We now return to The Black Max, a work in progress blog series on sculpting large mecha.  Here's the tie-in to the previous update, Part 2.

Now, when I say "large mecha," in this case, I am talking about 1/100th scale, about 4.5 to 5 inches on your tabletop.  In Metric, that's 114mm to 125mm, tall.

Basically, Destroids and Leviathans.  A large step up from the swifter, more maneuverable Two Inch Terrors I like to sculpt.

So, on to part three...Initial Bulk-Out of the weapon arms, where I take two dimensional lines, and extrude them into rough three-dimensional parts.

Here, again, is the side view of the lines of the Main Weapon Arm that I
will extrude into the initial bulk-out.

The long red line is the center-line axis around which all the barrels will be
built. The second red line, hooking up from it, is the main body of the gatling
cannon, where all the rounds feed, chamber, and extract from the barrels.
Here’s a close up of the line.

As you can see, it’s a little more jagged and “greebly.” Every little kink and
angle added to the initial line will show up, and look better on the completed
Using Rhino’s “revolve” command, I spin this kinked line around the axis,
and the line is turned into a solid.

Neat, huh? Using the same technique, I make out a line that will be the profile
for the barrels.
I revolve it again, making the line a solid. That bump in the middle of the
barrel is a fume extractor, much like those found on modern tank barrels.
I then use Rhino’s “Array-Polar” command, which means I can take a
selected object, and make multiple copies arranged around a center point. I first
try five barrels…
…then change my mind and choose six.

Now, as you can see from a head-on view, there is a hollow space in between the six barrels.
In the real world, or for making video games or 3D art, this would be enough.

If this model is to be made for mass production as a model or miniatures, though, that hollow space has to be filled, or your molds will have problems.

We'll cover that next update (which, incidentally, is linked here).

