Junctionworld Book 3 First Draft Done! Patreon Starts Up. Project Old School Launches.


Hey, folks, JBR here.

The first draft of my third novel is done, and I am returning to sculpting mechs for 3D printing.

Learning the lessons of 2023, I have switched things up, though.

Now, for $1.99 USD a month (the price of an energy drink to fuel my Madness), you receive a monthly 50% discount code to my entire inventory across three platforms, Cults3d, MyMiniFactory, and CGTrader.

You can hop in and out, no problem. I release mechs when I can, and if you like them, join the Patreon and buy it for half off. If it’s not to your liking, hop out, and wait till something you like comes along. Or catch up on past stuff you missed out on. Or just buy me a daily dose of caffeine. ;)

Here’s the links for Old School...




And here’s the link to the Patreon.






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