Titan Pirate Hunter Painted

Back in May of 2010, I painted up (badly) a Titan HAMR suit with a backstory that it was part of a unit of Titan Marines that was tasked with hunting down and exterminating pirates and brigands that infest the asteroid belt in Rebel Minis' fluff universe. As you can probably surmise, this is no improvement.

The first blog post on the Titan Marine Pirate Hunter is here at this link.

The second blog post, which showed the base coat, is here at this link.

I added a series of black ink washes, which subdued the bright tones of the base coat. I spray-painted a gloss coat of varnish that looks dripping wet in the photos, but in real life isn't too bad. I'll add a few coats of satin or matte clearcoat, which will mute the glaring affect of the gloss.

The base, which incorporates real rocks from my front yard and a smearing of Magic Sculpt, was painted and inked to match the hull, an attempt at camo, if only in reverse. The effect looks dark and smeared in the photos, I know, but looks stealthy and nicely subdued in the hand. Again, the wife's camera conspires against me ;)

I envision this pirate hunter as a sort of gang unit on steroids (I doubt the renegade Titan Marines care about due process), tasked with finding and exterminating isolated bands of pirates. These guys would be inserted by stealthed assault shuttle or pinpoint transmat transmission, would hike in using bounding steps in microgravity across an asteroid's surface, and go in and wipe out the unsuspecting criminals.

I'll post some pics soon of this pirate hunter and Kramer's Krusher soon, used as comparison models with infantry and other large mech models in 1/100th scale. Stay tuned.

