First Viper Suit Prints

The first batch of the Viper Suit is a mixed result.

The cockpits look great, the feet and missile launcher, not so much.

Those less-than-perfect pieces are getting thrown into tonight's batch of parts, which include the heavy gatling and parts of the main hull.

I believe my parts failures are due to lack of support structures.  Unfortunately, more support means more clean-up and post-processing.  It's a fine line, one which I am still learning.

Here's some pics...

Parts come out of the goo...


Cleaned up and post processing...

Into the UV oven for curing...

Tonight's batch that will print overnight and while I'm at work...

And some flawed and good-looking parts.  The 6-Pack missile launcher slipped, and has some disruption in its normally-smooth lines...

The feet lost their tread, but the small weapon mount in the middle and the two canopies printed out nicely...

More to come!

