New Year, New You, New Flu (And A New Desk And Keyboard)

So, the flu knocked me down, just in time for me to go on vacation.

That's par for the course.

But, thanks to the ministrations of my family, I was able to get back on my feet, and celebrate the holidays in Louisiana.

My family gifted me with a beautiful new ergonomic, mechanical keyboard called a Matias.  I can really see it helping my output.

I also received a gorgeous new desk.  It's an Autonomous Smart Desk, able to go from 23 inches to 51 inches, and still hold my fat butt if I lean on it.

So, off we start a New Year together.  Never mind with the resolutions, just be kind to those around you, and hold the ones you love close.  Anything beyond that is gravy.

Here's some pics of the new setup...

  Here's the boxes.

 Here's the old writing space.  Yes, I like the beads.

Assembly.  It was a bit tricky in the space available, but I managed.

 Flipped over.

 Max extension.  It's tall!

 This is me, standing next to it, and I'm 6'4".  Ah, it's nice to have me-sized things...

Soon to be cluttered.  Here's the Matias split ergo mechanical keyboard, set up and ready to go.  Big Mug O' Coffee, and Granddad Ross's 3-Screw Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum.

Why?  Because I'm an Armed Writer.  ;)

Alright, off to start production!  I'm currently wrapping up a Mars McCoy adventure, and then it's back to Jessica Cramer in Junctionworld.  Woot!

