Critical Mass Games at Salute 2016

Craig and Dale are at Salute 2016, the biggest gaming convention in the U.K.

Someday I'll make it.

Until then, you can still see photos from the lads.

 Here are close-up shots of the Astagar infantry, as sculpted by Steve 'Coolhand' Tyler, as well as the delicious Volos mecha, both the assault and support versions.

 Here is the beautiful demonstration board.  Those Kaamados superheavy tanks look monstrous!
Also, in other news, some of the terrain I helped design for Critical Mass Games is coming back to the market.  They should show up in the Accessories section, along with other objective markers and the civilian vehicles I did.

In the meantime, stay posted for updates for the Astagar Kickstarter, which has less than two weeks to go.
