JBR Goes To Las Vegas Amazing Comic Con, In Case You Couldn't Make It

I've been wanting to do this for a while now.

I sometimes get to go to comic conventions, sometimes just to geek out, sometimes to see my friend Chad Hardin when he's signing or drawing comics.  I went this Saturday to the Amazing! Las Vegas Comic Convention. 

It was a nice-sized con, and I only got poked with four cosplay swords whilst going through the crowded aisles.

Here's a neat pic featuring Chad's name, ranked alongside some major players in the industry...

His career has recently gone meteoric with his stint on DC's Harley Quinn comic.  I'm happy all his (and his family's) hard work and sacrifice has paid off.

Here's a few sample covers he's done for commissions.

So, other than going to the buffet with Chad and my buddy Jered, I saw a few things I might pass on to you guys...

CoKreeate was a pair of guys in a booth with a small extruder 3d printer running.  It was tiny, neat, and belt-driven instead of having drive screws to move its printer head.  Deezmaker was the brand.
The gentlemen at CoKreeate also scan and print real people with a neat hand-held scanner.

Scott W. Smith makes awesome graphics using quotes from TV shows and movies.  Firefly, The Princess Bride, The Big Lebowski, Doctor Who, and others were well-represented.

This lady self-publishes a comic, Jobnik, about her life as an American, Israeli, Canadian, and comic artist.

Valiant Comics was there with a booth.  I had a neat conversation about how I used to love the old comics in the 90s, and got a few trade paperbacks so I can jump into the new launch of the brand. I also got to hit up one of the gents about their submissions policies, so who knows, I might send them off a writing sample.  Fingers crossed, maybe.

These guys have a great, stripped down art style that succinctly summarizes the origins of popular comic characters.  I was really blown away by their stuff.

Anthony Watkins is a local Las Vegas sculptor.  Beautiful stuff.

Rich Ariola is another sculptor, who works in mechanical parts welded together.

Sheli Crabtree creates neat floral designs out of comic books.

This lady had some neat little dresses with Tardis patterns.  Too bad my little girl, Olivia, isn't into The Doctor.

3d6 is a nerd punk band.  They also play at the Double Down Saloon, so they must obviously rock, since that's my favorite dive bar in Vegas.

Ender Toys makes custom Minecraft figures.  They also had a Replicator 2 3d printer in their booth, cranking out Daleks.  That was cool.

This nice lady makes steampunk and custom jewelry, including watches.  I bought a Ninth Doctor pendant for my wife from her.

Sin City Steampunk 13 was another retro-futuristic accessory company with neat stuff.

Toy Anxiety is a toy store out of Phoenix with lots of neat Kaiju toys.

Sorry about the lack of pics.  Enjoy spelunking through the links!

