That's A Lot Of Mecha...

Here's the last few years' worth of work for Critical Mass Games, as far as mecha go.  Shedloads of vehicles have been done, as well.  More on that to come.

Back Row, from left to right...

Vanguard (fire support loadout), Ygs Guardsman, Ygs Gunman, Arc Fleet Walker Advance (Furion)

Front Row, from left to right...

Astagar Volos, Zas Ravager, Zas Blackguard, Vanguard (jump assault loadout)

Click on the images for larger, higher-rez views.




Do you get to make up your own designs or are you working to their concept art?
John Bear Ross said…
The gents behind Critical Mass Games give me a real free hand, design-wise, with some concise art direction and casting corrections given as feedback.

Otherwise, I get to virtually run wild, like a kid in a candy store.

They're great clients to work for.

Trees Planet said…
The models are wonderful. But why not paint. Trees Planet
John Bear Ross said…
@Trees Planet: Thanks for the question.

These are digital pictures of the models I have done in a 3d program. From these electronic files, the models are made on 3d printers.

Thus, these are like the blueprints, or pictures of the blueprints.

The painted examples of some of them can be seen here...
