PF's Indiegogo Troopers Can Mix and Match. Neat!

PF published these updates a few days ago.

Now that I've sobered up from the weekend's misadventures, I can post some stuff up...

First, here's the link to his campaign.  It's more than a quarter of the way to the goal, and I think if we push it, it will make it.  Pledge early, and pledge often!  ;)

Here's some eye candy of the possibilities you can make with the trooper parts, which is a surprising benefit.  I love modularity.

Pics are intermixed with PF's text...


We only used parts of one squad. You might see there is an additional set of arms (on body 8). That's normal. It's a bonus.
-We didn't use putty except for sticking parts together and did no filling.
-We didn't cut parts either. We just very slightly bent the arm 10 (on body 7) since it originally comes with a wider torso.

 -We're not trying to tell you that any mix or combination is feasible. The troopers with more than two legs offer less liberty.Also, we used a 40 mm base so this version of body 10 with legs 7 could fit easier.
-Our « official » versions are still our favorite troopers tho we were happy to see a few of the variants shown below turned out to be cooler than we thought.

 -We didn't use the Trooper 6. It's a tiny one piece model. We thought about putting on him the two legs left from Trooper 7 so he looked like he had arms in the shape of scythes but since there will be no inserts for this model, we didn't want to confuse you. 

-We still intend to make the arms 3 bigger as well as a variant head 3. We'll show you the results soon and how we changed the back leg so it actually fits easily on a base. The head 10 has slightly changed since that picture but we belive you get the idea: it's a bubble head and with the arms 10, the "official"model look sliek a bot.

-No aliens were harmed during these experiments.

Okay, just a bit but shocktroopers are supposed to be tough and more importantly they aren't supposed to complain and some of them just can't due to the lack of vocal cords so they all seemd fine to us and to be honest we didn't really care that much.

Thanks again!


That link again is...
