Critical Mass Games Releases The Zas Mercenaries

You may remember the Zas Kickstarter that I helped with a few months back, earlier in the year. 

The infantry, support weapons, VTOLs, storage containers, mission objectives, and drones are now available.

The CMG website features some of Craig and Dale's brilliant paintjobs.  Love that digital effect, due, no doubt, to using their own Mask FX painting decals.

The link to CMG's Zas offerings is here.

I can't wait to paint my own up.




Don M said…
Hi John, they are great figures, I got in on the Kick starter campaign
and picked up a company (minus vehicles). I'm very satisfied with
John Bear Ross said…
I'm thinking a desert scheme for mine, kinda like the HAMR suit I did for Harold in the miniatures exchange. Simple, utilitarian, with just a single brush-pass of red or green here and there. I haven't painted an army for years, so it should be fun.

Don M said…
I have two main army camouflage schemes, 1970s-80s era US MERDOC
(Good guys/Green army)and Dark
panzer gray with light gray spots
and black stripes(Bad guys/gray
army). Allies and non-alined can
be and are in various other schemes.
The 1970s-80s era US MERDOC I can
do in my sleep because as A new
trooper I painted a good many
real trucks and tracks by hand
with a paint brush. We used to get
the vehicles painted all forest green then you get the TB (technical book)
out and chalk the pattern on the vehicle then paint in the sand, earth, and black. after that the little ones are easy! The bad guy scheme is actually a buddy of mines
idea, I just use it because it's fun
and very easy to paint...)