New Mercenary Mech For Critical Mass Games, Part 6: Fire Support!

Well, as I showed in my sneak peek at the end of the last blog update, I was commissioned by the gents at Critical Mass Games to adapt the New Mercenary Mech to have a fire support version.

I was supplied by the client with the meshes of heavy Kaamados plasma cannons, which were sculpted by Charles Oines of Irrational Designs

Craig and Dale thought they would look great incorporated into the design.  My hat's off to Charles for making such beautiful stuff.

So, after a few versions, I came up with a fusion of Mr. Oines' plasma cannon barrel and a body/attachment system that worked with the rest of the design.

I used the Ygs Mecha dual-hardpoint backpack, which was also used for the Zas Blackguard Mech.

The resulting mount and plasma cannon combo rode low, which was good to avoid tipping issues with the final mini, but didn't leave much room for the new finned shoulder bits.

So, I went back to the Blackguard/Ravager shoulders, which were lower profile.

New missile pods were fabbed up, tying together the X-engraved hatches from the new chest piece and the Blackguard's quad missile launchers.

I also threw in a bit that might blow the doors open on the number of weapons that can be utilized in the future on these and other mechs from Critical Mass Games.

That ball goes into the common socket of most of the new CMG mechs that I've designed for them.  Using Craig and Dale's formidable converting skills, I'm sure they'll be able to adapt a number of already-prototyped bits for future weapon accessories.

 Case in point, the new missile pods from the Zas attack VTOL.  This was just for demonstration purposes, but who knows?


BTW, here's an update of those Zas mech and VTOL bits, getting ready for production...Neat!

Well, that's all for this update.

Next up:  Group shots and mix-and-match parts.



Now that is some serious firepower! And some serious conversion possibilities.

He still looks a little top-heavy to me. Would it be too complex to make an adapter so those plasma cannons could use the ball joint and become arms? (With the missile pods moving up to the shoulders.)

I love seeing the comparison between the prepped printed parts and the cast bits. 3d modeling to printing to casting is so cool. It doesn't matter how many times I see the process: I still think it's something out of Star Trek.
John Bear Ross said…
I tried it digitally. It doesn't look great, but it can be done.

The attachment point for the cannon is a hybrid ball and peg, so it can fit both types of sockets I've made for CMG (the peg type, on the side of the Arc Fleet Walker, and the ball and socket type).

The plasma cannon will attach to any 1/8th inch socket, but it won't be able to traverse or pitch with the same degree of movement. The pose will look rigid, but it is physically doable.

Perhaps Craig and Dale will graft the new "universal" ball bit to the top or side of the plasma cannon at a later time, or a good converter will do the same.

And 3D printing is still damn impressive to me, as well. We're living in the future!

Unknown said…
How can I print or get these minis?
John Bear Ross said…
Ral Partha Europe bought the Critical Mass Games intellectual properties, including the mecha I designed for them.

You can still find most of the infantry models, but the mechs and tanks are slow in coming.
