The Rebel Universal Modular Vehicle System, Part 1

0.827 by 2.423 by 0.372 inches.

21mm by 61.54mm by 9.44mm.

Those are what my 3D program tells me are the outside dimensions of this part.

Doesn't look like much, does it?

It may not blow your skirt up right now, but Rebel Mike and I are betting that it's going to change everything, for the better, on 15mm scale tabletops worldwide.

This object is the foundation, the underlying backbone, of a system that will bring forward a new generation of vehicles from Rebel Minis.

Mike and I have been at work on it for a few fevered months, and we think you're going to like the results.

As you probably know, modularity is one of the intrinsic things we try and put into our builds.

The Rebel Universal Modular Vehicle System, or "RUM-V" for short, is going to put a few different pieces of vehicles in your hand, and enable you to convert and produce dozens, if not hundreds, of combinations of upper vehicle hulls, weapons, and propulsion systems. 

This basic frame is what will enable all those components to come together.

APCs.  Technicals.  Civilian Vehicles.  Light Tanks.  Hovercraft.  Wheeled Vehicles.  Walking Vehicles.  A-Grav.  We think we've come up with a system that will make blow your mind.

Stay tuned for more.

Mike Renegar and John Bear Ross


Mr. Harold said…
So, that sounds exciting... I like where this is headed.
Andyroo said…
Love the idea of the modular system but I am a little concerned over the ability of the casters to keep the moulds to a set tolerance - unless you are heading plastic injection?

Given the hassle I have had over resin kits and metal kits over the years I wish you luck.
Jonathan Bowen said…
Well a cleaver designer (aka JBR) can probably compensate for that. It gets really tricky combining metal and resin as both have different shrinkage rates. If the body is all one piece then the complexity goes way down. So select your body and drive system. Both glue onto the frame and the body has hard points to glue different bits in. The complexity of creating multi part bodies doesn't have much payout. The best part is you can keep sales high by releasing new bits every few weeks and introducing new types of bodies. I really like this idea.
Unknown said…
Lego'cha. Man the lazy will pitch about
John Bear Ross said…
Thanks for the comments, gents. I have great faith in our casters being able to pull it off. There is a bit of dimensional slop built into the models, so parts can fit, but not too tight.

Also, we can compensate for mold and material shrinkage, both in the digital model, and in molding expertise.

Second post is up.
