KarkPanzer Light, WIP Part 4

Okay, here's the final version that went to print of the KarkPanzer Leicht, or Light Karkpanzer, from Khurasan Miniatures.

First, the slick rendered pic of the "Alt-WW2" version.  Simple cannon, and pintle-mounted Kark weapon that could be swapped out easily with an MG-42 or other Wehrmacht weapon.

Now, the super-sexy MDMS upgraded version of the Karkpanzer, with rotary cannon, smoke grenade launchers, and quad missile launcher.  MDMS is a defense contractor in Khurasan Jon's universe that provides high-tech weaponry to anyone who can pay for it.

 I mentioned in last post that an attachment method for the treads had to be made up.  Four small studs that lock into the interior recesses created by the bogey wheels in the tread units were my solution.  This system carried over into the two other Kark panzers, both medium and heavy.

Here's the total parts outlay.  Jon wanted two cannons, and I threw in the gatling.  The separated pintle-mounted hydroplasma cannon took some doing, but will add flexibility to the end user when posing crewmen.


Folks often remark about scale creep and ever-increasing vehicle sizes in 15mm/1-100th scale.  I just want to show how tiny this sculpt ended up being.  It's compact, and feisty, and should still pack quite a punch for something so low-profile.

Here's a pic of the printed-out Karkpanzer (l) hull next to Jon's flagship tank, the Siler.

I hope you enjoyed this little work in progress, and I'll be sure to post up when the Khurasan Karkpanzer Light is up for sale.  Buy bunches.

John Bear Ross

Click on these links for parts One, Two, and Three of this WIP series.
