Critical Mass Games Previews 2013 Offerings

My primary client in the United Kingdom is Critical Mass Games.

They put out an astounding variety of 15mm science fiction goodness, with four major factions and dozens of alien mercenary offerings.

They're the right sort, those lads.

So, it gives me great pleasure to help them spread the word on their projected 2013 products coming to market.  For their original announcement at their forums, including more source art, click here.

The Astagar and Ygs mechs and power armors are done by yours truly.  I have a couple weeks worth of blog posts to do for those.  You're going to like 'em.

So, the CMG crew revealed this, currently in progress...

And this, which is done and awaiting molding.
(Yes, Brits, you spell it "moulding," we know, we know... ;) )
I made this to be able to be retrofitted to existing Arc Fleet walkers.  I can't commit to how it will be marketed, whether as a kit, or a complete unit.  Stay tuned for more.

Also, in even bigger news, the gents at CMG are going to offer a Kickstarter for their "Zas" faction of Mercs, expanding support units and more poses for this very popular breed of mercs.  February 6th is the launch date for this Kickstarter effort.

So, good news, eh?  My thoughts, as well.



Mr. Harold said…
Love both those mechs...
John Bear Ross said…
Thanks, Harold.

The Praesentia has a lot of work ahead of it, but the Arc Fleet Walker refurb was fun. I hope folks will like it.

Sergeant Crunch said…
Saw that mech earlier today, thought it had an air of JBR brand Awesome to it.
John Bear Ross said…
Shucks, Sarge, you're makin' me blush.

I'm just some dude, pushing electrons around.

