Let's All Go To M.I.T.

I found out a while ago that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was going open source, for lack of a better word, and opening up its lectures and archives to the public.

A very noble idea.

So, now, theoretically, you can put your time in, and call M.I.T. your alma mater. Digitally, of course.

A few course suggestions for the prototyper and designer...

How To Make (Almost) Anything

Industrial Design Intelligence: A Cognitive Approach to Engineering

Toy Product Design

Product Design and Development

Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping

Well, that's a start.



Unknown said…
Awesome, thanks John, I'll definately check this out, have a Raspberry Pi on order and I'm building an analogue/digital converter for it (for starters) so I can control and monitor stuff with it - working with a friend who can tame such a beast with functioning computer code. I bet there will be plenty of inspiration in these videos.
John Bear Ross said…
I am a river to my people.

