New Avengers Trailer

Oh, man, I want to see this bad.  Don't look, Slados!

Newest Avengers Trailer.  This is the UK version (first I found on YouTube.)

Start working on your 1/100th scale converting skills...PF Supers.



Spartan 117 said…
April 26? Oh man, I'll be there! Avengers are my favorite superhero team and I cannot wait to see this!
John Bear Ross said…
Actually, we in the States have to wait until the 4th of May. April 26th is the UK release date.

Spartan 117 said…
Oh well, just a little longer wait, but hopefully worth it.
Slade Hart said…
Don't worry I won't. I'm very excited about seeing the Avengers so I wouldn't dare. Holy crap, I'm the apostrophe king!!!