New Grymn Walker From Hasslefree Minis

Hasslefree Minis (Mr. and Mrs. White) are one of my favorite miniatures companies. They run a very nice line of minis, to a niche market, and seem happy. I'm a fan.

Kev White's personal project for many years has been the Grymn, a race of sci-fi dwarfs. He's had a walker in the works for years, but was always being pulled off his personal stuff to do commissions or adding to Hasslefree's current product lines.

Well, it looks like he got some time to finish that walker. It's a beaut.

Here's the initial pics of the latest edition. I wasn't a fan of the "toothy" look on the front carapace.

Then the pics of the nearly-done sculpt. Notice the standing pilot sculpt.

Then, here's the coup de grâce...
The interior is complete, along with a seated pilot fig. Brilliant.

I'm hoping Kev markets this to the 15mm/1-100th scale crowd, since it would be a wonderful heavy walker, if my estimations are correct, which they usually are.

Kudos to Mr. and Mrs. White, for bringing to market a first-rate mech.

