The Art Of: Steve 'Coolhand' Tyler

Steve "Coolhand" Tyler and I have worked together before, back during the Cold Navy days of my career (if you can call 10 years of squinting at a screen while arranging electrons a 'career').

Steve is a wonderfully talented 3d artist, and I just wanted to show you good folks what he's capable of, if you didn't know already. Here's a short sample, with links to more later in the post.

Here's a Garn Mech that he's done for Khurasan's 15mm line. This thing looks so good, it hurts.

Here's a Hind-esque VTOL that he's done, also for Khurasan, for Khurasan Jon's Nova Respublik faction. Gorgeous.

And here's what he's done with the models I did for the Mauridian faction in Cold Navy, making them look great.

Here's his base of operations on the net, over at Sci-Fi Meshes.

He also has a shop on Shapeways. Buy everything.

Great stuff, Steve. I sound like I'm gushing, I know, but I like it, and I'm not afraid to say it. So there. ;)


PS You can buy Cold Navy ships through Ravenstar, who has the license. Enjoy!


Dallas Walker said…
really awesome stuff!
Unknown said…
Just saw this, signed up to say thanks!

I really enjoyed painting your fantastic 3d sculpts back in the day, good times, caught up with Mike Hardy a year or two ago on facebook.

the Mauridian pic was also my favourite, good choice!
Unknown said…
Hope you dont mind me spamming your comments, I decided to start a Blog of my own.
John Bear Ross said…
Thanks for popping in, and giving me the link. I've added it to my blog sidebar. Superb work, as usual!

Barks said…
That Hind descendant... Gorgeous. Just what I've always wanted without knowing it.