Mars McCoy Published!!!

Whoo-hoo! Two long years of waiting, and it's finally available for publication and digital purchase!

I spent a lot of time in a chair late 2008/early 2009, pouring everything I had into this story. It was a beautiful experience (described in my afterword in the book) that I'll never forget. To see it now offered, especially with my bro Chad Hardin's gorgeous artwork gracing the cover...well, it's hard to wrap words around that much joy. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Here's the blog posts I did while writing out the first draft. Scroll to the bottom, to read the first entry from Oct. 25th, 2008, and go up from there.

You can head to my Shapeways store for a 3d model I did based on Mark Maddox's source art seen above. The Black Bird 5 comes in a variety of sizes, based on wingspan.

Here's where you can purchase the PDF for a bargain $3 USD.

Here's the ad copy for the book...


it's MARS McCOY to the Rescue!

Move aside, Flash Gordon. Shove over, Buck Rogers. Here comes the newest space hero of them all, Captain Marshall "Mars" McCoy of the Space Rangers. Created by the writers of the Pulp Factory, this new rocket-blasting hero and his Space Rangers blast off to new heights of action and adventure from Airship 27 Productions & Cornerstone Book Publishers.

Working from their secret asteroid base known as the Black Hole, the Space Rangers are an elite band of men, women, robots and aliens, banded together to patrol the lawless and ever dangerous sections of the space known as the Frontier Worlds. Their daring and heroic exploits in their sleek, super fast Black Birds blaze a glorious path across the stars.

Here are three brand new stories of Mars and his gorgeous robotic co-pilot, Betty 12, as they face off against overwhelming odds to preserve the peace and defend the Galactic Empire. Writers John Bear Ross, Greg Gick and Andrew Salmon have whipped up kidnapping pirate aliens, body snatching spores and a giant, invading space behemoth to challenge Mars and his allies. From page one, the action blasts-off and goes into orbit. Featuring a stunning cover by ace artist Chad Hardin, with a dozen marvelous illustrations by Michael Youngblood. MARS McCOY – Space Ranger is a bold new trip into the reaches of the imagination. So, buckle up pulp fans, for star-spanning thrills and excitement as only Airship 27 Productions can deliver.

Only $3.00. Adobe PDF Format. Some devices require Adobe Acrobat reader available free at this link:


Again, you can get the digital download version here, right away. I'll update as hard copy becomes available.

Here's a Sample Chapter parsed off from the edited text, as a teaser. It's in PDF format.

It's just something I like to do, so that you don't feel like you're buying a pig in a poke.

John Bear Ross


Mark Mondragon said…
Congratulations John! This is a big deal. Hats off to all your hard work and creative genius.

All the best,
John Bear Ross said…
You're very kind, Mark. I appreciate it, but I'm just some dude with too much caffeine in the bloodstream.

Matthew said…
Awesome. Pure awesomeness. 1 copy purchased, more to come.
Looking forward to settling down and cozying up with this fella. Also, Chad did a great job. Interesting to see him branch off from what he normally does.
John Bear Ross said…
Chad's the man, brother o' mine. He does it all, and does it well. He even got an illustration into Time magazine a few weeks ago. He's definitely arrived.

Unknown said…
It is cool to be published.
In my comic book days I had a few books with my art on the covers or inside. There is nothing as cool as going into a comic/game store and seeing your work on the shelf.
Congrats Big John!
Heer46 said…
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