Been Busy, Gonna Stay Busy

I've been busy as hell, working overtime at the Real Job and prototyping. Sleep and I aren't seeing much of each other as of late. Such is life.
I've knocked out lots of tasty stuff to reveal, someday, though. Those of you going to SALUTE might enjoy what shipped out last Saturday to the UK. I'm biased, of course. Hopefully Craig and Dale don't seal up the box and throw it in a fire. We'll see.
Anywho, I recently bought ZBrush, so I'll be taking some time to learn the tutorials, ask many annoying questions in the forums, and show off painful baby-step WIPs.
My workload will slack off for a month or so as I learn the digital ropes, but clients with current builds on order will get them, don't worry.
My workload will slack off for a month or so as I learn the digital ropes, but clients with current builds on order will get them, don't worry.
Well, off to bed. The kitchen sink clogged today, and I've burned the night getting it unscrewed. Nothing like running to Walmart in the middle of the night, looking for replacement parts. Wheee!
You need to suffer some