Guns For PF, Part 1

As previously mentioned, I did some work in trade last year with PF, the talented sculptor who did Rebel's series of superhumans.
PF wanted a series of 28mm scale weapons, something which I (gratefully) get a lot of call from clients for.
I've seen an initial sculpt into which he has incorporated this combination grenade launcher/firearm, and it's gorgeous.

More to come.
Still an awesome piece that reminds me of the Morita (though not a bullpu config). I'm impressed :)
@SDK: I believe source art had this as a directed energy weapon up top, and HEDP-throwing grenade launcher under the barrel. The rear sight was intended to be the module with the sphere grafted into it. More of a compact sci-fi target indicator with built-in IFF than an actual sight. If the light's red, the laser's pointing at an enemy or unidentified tango. If the light's green, shift fire. Or vise-versa.
The IFF target indicator is probably a little "video-gamey" on my part, but other weapons will have present-technology-level iron sights and flash hiders on them, along with optics, while others will be more fanciful, hero-type weaponry. More to come.
Still, nice work with the model.
That red dot really works, though, as I'm sure you're aware.
I learned on iron sights, though, so I still want them on my own rifles.
Such is life.