Guns For PF, Part 1

As previously mentioned, I did some work in trade last year with PF, the talented sculptor who did Rebel's series of superhumans.

PF wanted a series of 28mm scale weapons, something which I (gratefully) get a lot of call from clients for.

I've seen an initial sculpt into which he has incorporated this combination grenade launcher/firearm, and it's gorgeous.

More to come.



Unknown said…
Nice work. I like the RIS system and functional look. This could easily be a rifle in use today. Can I make a suggestion though? There is no flash suppressor or iron sights. Not certain if this is to make casting easier though.

Still an awesome piece that reminds me of the Morita (though not a bullpu config). I'm impressed :)
John Bear Ross said…
@Brother Joseph: Amen!

@SDK: I believe source art had this as a directed energy weapon up top, and HEDP-throwing grenade launcher under the barrel. The rear sight was intended to be the module with the sphere grafted into it. More of a compact sci-fi target indicator with built-in IFF than an actual sight. If the light's red, the laser's pointing at an enemy or unidentified tango. If the light's green, shift fire. Or vise-versa.

The IFF target indicator is probably a little "video-gamey" on my part, but other weapons will have present-technology-level iron sights and flash hiders on them, along with optics, while others will be more fanciful, hero-type weaponry. More to come.

Unknown said…
I'll admit, I don't even trust ACOGs all that much, let alone an IFF device in a combat situation. That's just personal reflection though. I'm sure there's an old cooter with black powder weapons who hates cartridges.

Still, nice work with the model.
John Bear Ross said…
I understand. When we made the transition from irons to an Aimpoint (backed up by irons) at my old nuke security job, I was skeptical as hell.

That red dot really works, though, as I'm sure you're aware.

I learned on iron sights, though, so I still want them on my own rifles.

Such is life.

Unknown said…
Thy Soul Hath The I want metal sights too, because of this simple truth. That way "I HIT" the target...