Great Sale For Critical Mass Games Stuff


Just wanted to pass on the good news about Craig and Dale of Critical Mass Games' sale going on for the month of February, along with some of my personal favorites among their product line. Of course, I'm biased, since a couple of them are mine, but there's also a lot of PF's mercenaries and Phil Lewis's Arc Fleet troopers sculpts that I love.

Anyway, on to their smokin' deals...

20% off all infantry packs.

15% off all Buildings and Accessories.

15% off all Single Vehicles

10% off all Vehicle Platoon Deals

And free worldwide postage throughout February for all orders over 20 British Pounds.

That's pure awesome-nicity, right there...

P.S. Just to put my money where my mouth is, I just ordered a nice-sized order from their website. 3 walkers and scads of infantry and mercs. I can't wait.
P.P.S: Blogger, I hate your random ability to lose half a post's worth of typing over and over again for no reason. Fix your cut-and-paste defect, and that damn "auto-insert extra lines" defect everytime I add a picture. GhaaaaHHHH!!! Oh well. Off to bed.


Omer Golan-Joel said…
If only I had some free cash to spare, I'd order 20 pound worth of their goods!
John Bear Ross said…
I know what you mean. I'll have to look up the local blood bank, and see what the going rate is...


Andyroo said…

If you have a Windows machine around download the Windows Live Writer from Microsoft (FOC) - it links fine to Blogger and todate I have not lost a single post.

Like most software it does have its quirks (picture frames are odd for example) but no more random drops :-)

John Bear Ross said…
Usually I have no problems with my office machine running Firefox. I blogged this post from the wife's computer running Explorer. Something was hinky, and I lost 2/3rds of the post (including pics) doing a cut-and-paste.

Ah, well. Such is life. Thanks for the tip, though, Andrew. I'll look into that...

John Bear Ross said…
Update: Just to put my money where my mouth is, I've put in a nice-sized order for 3 walkers and a dozen or so infantry packs. Mercenary PF and Lewis goodness inbound! Yay!
