Painting Up A Titan Hammer Suit

So, I received a great package in the mail yesterday from Rebel Mike. Inside were a few variants of the Titan Hammer Suit, as well as an Earth Force Hammer Suit. Superbitchin'!

So, I'm doodling around the garage, straightening things out, and I find myself test-fitting pieces together. Enough cleaning, I sez, and I commenced to assembling a Hammer Suit.

I've done enough bits for Rebel with customization in mind, that I wanted to make my own hybrid of a couple variants. So, I grabbed some bits from the Titan Recon HAMR and the Titan Fire Support HAMR, and went to work.

I fished out a 1 and 1/2 inch fender washer for the base. I used Magic Sculp for the textured base, along with some rocks (cheating, I know).

Base Coat is Krylon Flat Black.

More on this as it progresses.



David said…
Looking forward to see what you do as I have a couple of HAMRs on order for myself.
John Bear Ross said…
Well, I'm not a world-class painter, but I think I'm going to go with a dark blue scheme, with gunmetal highlights. This will be a pirate hunter, killing bandits out in the asteroid belt, so it will be a subdued scheme.

Bill said…
Looking good. Mike is going to be at Bayou Wars this year, and I fear I will be leaving there with yet more of his product.
John Bear Ross said…
Thank, Bill. I want to go next year. The wife is Cajun, from around Lafayette, so I know I can convince her to go home, even if I take a few days to go to a con on my own.
