Shapeways Store Opens

There's a site out there called

It's based in the Netherlands, but operates in English. Which is good, since my Dutch is terrible.

Anywho, Shapeways lets creators upload files, list them for sale, and prints and sells them for them. It's like a or other production-on-demand outlet. You start an account, and put data in it. If people like your product, Shapeways creates it, packages it, and ships direct to them. You get a small piece of the action. Very small. But, hey, it's money that you weren't making beforehand, so stop complaining.

My shapeways shop is

I've got a tank for sale there now, and will be adding more as time allows (I'm getting more and more prototyping done for other clients, which is great). Bear in mind, the pricing structure is wacky (this is just a beta site), so the prices will seem a BIT steep for a mere tank.

For beginners, I've uploaded an old tank that I had gathering dust. I rescaled it for 15mm scale, 1/144th, and 6mm scale. Basically, you can purchase one for your Rebel/Khurasan/GZG army, or your CAV/Heavy Gear force, or your Dirtside/NetEpic/Adeptus Titanicus collection.

The prices are a bit high, though, so I don't hold it against you if you start laughing when you see them.

There are advantages, though. Worldwide shipping is included in the price. Inevitably, prices will drop. I can make things without any real concerns about undercuts or other molding issues. Bonus of all bonuses, I don't have to spend weekends running to the post office, sending packages off to all four corners of the Earth.

Well, let me know what you think. I have a few of my own tanks on order, so I'll be posting up a review soon. This is just an experiment. Let's see where it goes together.



Gharak said…
I'm interested in seeing the quality of the finished product.

Seems like this is quite a good idea.

Always thats a rather nice model.
John Bear Ross said…
The Detail While and Detail Black are supposed to be Objet printed items. That's what the majority of my previous works have been done on. I'll make sure I get photos up when it arrives.

Obviously not going to be able to buy a platoon of these in 15mm. But the concept is still pretty darn cool.

Without divulging too many trade secrets, is this a typical cost for this size of a prototype? I've been thinking about modeling a few 15mm Sci-Fi terrain pieces, having them prototyped, and using those for resin casting. Terrain is one thing that seems to be missing in our scale, and I was hoping to fill the void.
John Bear Ross said…
The price is a bit misleading. The $58 is in a different material (and made on a different, lower-resolution 3d printer). I usually do my builds on Objets, which on Shapeways is Detail White or Detail Black. When you select those materials, the price goes UP to $106. If you want good resolution for a production master, you want an Objet or similar printer (Envision Perfactory also comes to mind).

The $106 price is about what I would expect to pay for a 2.85-inch-long tank prototype. More accessories and turrets would bump the price, but $100 is ballpark.

I use for one-off prototypes that are intended for production. John V. over there is good people, which goes a lot farther with me than an automated website. John can fix just about any problems with your data files, and print away.

Shapeways only accepts perfect files, and if something is wrong (and it usually is) you have to do all the debugging yourself, something that can take a frustrating number of hours.

I don't blame you for not wanting to spend $200+ for a foursome of 15mm tanks. It's insane, but I think it's a product of the automated quote process.

I was looking at Moddler. Thanks so much for the tips and details - that's definitely what I wanted to know. Now I just need to kick around a few more ideas and decide if it's worth getting started in this field or not.