Critical Mass Scenery Bits Pt. 1


It's raining here in the desert. We're now awash in a sea of mud. Hooray, mud! Bad weather means more time to sculpt, so good.

These are some screen captures of the scenery package I'm helping put together for Critical Mass Games. These will be 15mm scale, and will make their debut at Salute as part of the Kyushu Bay tabletop display. Check out their forums for more.

These are a pair of communications arrays, all modular. The tall aerial is a composite of various ring arrays, risers, and whips. The radar dish shares the same base, and has a nice look to it, I think. These will be affixed to pre-formed 15mm scale buildings by Dale at CMG. These, of course, are pending client approval. Windows and grills are next.



Andyroo said…
Drool seams to sum this up :-)
