Spider In Production!

The Spidermech I did for my client, Comfy Chair Games, is now in production! Click on the pic above to see a larger view...
They'll be up for sale soon at http://www.comfychairgames.com/
I'm busy as...well, I'm too busy to come up with an analogy right now for how busy I am. That's pretty busy. Work is progressing on a number of fronts, mainly 15mm science fiction. I'm coming up with some great tank concepts, and my clients have, thankfully, given me a pretty free hand in concept design.
In the meanwhile, the sprue for the Deathbots is nearing production, barring some minor sizing issues. The Lords and Elites will probably be closer in size to the Standard Deathbots, but not to worry, I think things will turn out alright.
Well, back to caffeine and prototyping!
John Bear Ross
