Been Busy...

Well, here's an update, since it's now fall of 2008. I spent the majority of the summer hammering out (or working myself up to hammering out) a short story for Ron Fortier, of Airship 27 fame. Ron commissions writers to weave two-fisted tales set in the pulp era, focussing mainly on the 1930's.

I've been fortunate to be tapped as a writer of one such story, starring a character from that era named Secret Agent X. Secret Agent X was one of the most widely-read heros from that time. Ron Fortier's revival of this cherished champion was a chance to stretch my horizons in writing, to expand beyond my normal comfort zone of spaceships and superheros. Look for it soon from Airship 27 Productions.

I've also been busy sculpting, and I'm currently balancing four different projects in Rhino. Time for more caffeine!

On top of all that, I have also taken on another writing commission, dealing more with Buck Rogers-inspired space operas. Stay tuned for more.
