Simian Rework

Scorpion rework continues, but this guy requires attention, as well.

He originally started life as this monstrous beast...

It was too big and awkward to print and cast.  A definite lesson learned, there.

 I'm going to trim him down to Two-Inch-Terror standards, and rework him extensively through the chest and shoulders.  A lot of the rivet-and-bolt look will go, too, in favor a more streamlined look.

Gatling weapons are stand-ins from the Heavy HAMR suit (also in the works).  He'll get his own weapons soon enough.

The triple missile launchers are reworks of the back-mounted weapons from the too-big original.

The head has been modified to give him a harder scowl, and take out some mold-ripping problems with the eye sensors.

Stay tuned.

