Rebel Comanche MATV, WIP Part 2

Well, the inspiration behind the Comanche MATV was lined out pretty well in the last blog post. Now we get down to the digital nuts and bolts.

Mike and I had two design requirements:
1. It had to look badass.
2. It had to incorporate the already-prototyped-and-cast large offroad wheels and tires from the Gila fast assault vehicle, to keep costs down.

So, off the races I went.

Looking at the concept art, I knew a single-piece body, shocks, and undercarriage weren't going to work. So, I made a subframe, and had the tires attach to it.

Once that was out of the way (I filled in the blank spaces between the cross members later, and added shocks to the wheel mount studs), I lined out the main body from the excellent side view, and extruded the lines into shapes.

A little nibbling, scaling, tapering, and the basic shape emerged. A substitute sci-fi weapon from the Gila's weapon sprue took the place of the intended modern-day weapons, until they were worked up. Working around the already-existing tires caused a few problems, but they were easily resolved. Momentum picked up, this sculpt started clicking along, and soon the details began to present themselves, ready for sculpting. All I had to do was provide the mouse clicks...

More on that when I post in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy!



Sergeant Crunch said…
I really prefer the MATV to the Gila. Though I think I'm going to mount something a little more sci-fi than the venerable Ma Deuce. Nothing against the .50, but it doesn't fit the force I'm planning on using the MATV with. Though there is always the option of magnets....

Either way, awesome work as usual :)
John Bear Ross said…
You're makin' me blush ;)

Any of the accessories I've made for Rebel should fit in the standard accessory socket. There are some larger gatlings that might not fit in the enclosed cupola, but they might with some trimming and filing.

We also have an unmanned turret planned that can take the same .125 diameter ball mount from the Saber gunships. That will enable you to mount that triple-missile bit, to hunt tanks, helos, and HAMRs.
