What I Did For My Summer Vacation

Well, this won't be a whining post, like usual. Instead, I'll show off some of the builds I did that made it to production, as well as other projects I've been involved in.

First off is the series of gunboats I did for Khurasan's Garn reptile warriors. They are assigned reptilian codenames by their human opponents. The Alligator is the infantry assault/raider version, while the Crocodile is the heavy fire support, based on the same hull. Outrigger panels can hold 4 penny-mounted Garn troopers each, or a heavy weapons turret that has a few interchangeable weapons. Either way, you're going to love these heavy assault platforms.

Then, there's the Infiltrator bike I did for Rebel Minis. The bike is a futuristic conveyance for Rebel Mike's line of sci-fi Infiltrator troopers. They make great spies, cybernetic agents, downed crewmen, or "programs." Those sockets on each side should make nice weapons mounts.

And finally, there's PF's Supers sculpts. PF is an amazing French artist whose work I can't stop loving. He's a wonderful talent, and I was able to help bring these into production with Rebel Minis. These first line of Supers are unnamed, so far, though Mike is taking suggestions. Great work, PF!

Well, that's all for now. I've got other work going (just sent off some stuff for Critical Mass, and I'll be doing some more work for them as well).

I've added MiniatureReview's blog feed to my sidebar.

As for me, I'm still knocking out some hours, but I'm getting more time to prototype now that my son's back in school. Hope you and yours are doing well, also.



Mark said…
Love the Infiltrator Bike.

There's something about those Garn barges that's very Gears of War. Nice.

Lobo said…
Love the Gran transport!!!
Really cool (very good the idea of letting spaces for the player to put minis on the vehicle -I do this too when I convert toys to Sci fi vehicles... :)-)
Sergeant Crunch said…
Love those bikes, going to have to order some when I get back stateside.
Good stuff, JBR. Since you're clever about making all your kits modular... are there any weapons currently in production that would fit the bike?

John Bear Ross said…

Incorporating a digital penny into my sculpts is natural, for stuff like this. It's like a sculpting gauge. I make mine red.

@SGT Crunch,

Stay safe, brother! Come home soon.


Most of Rebel's current accessory weapons should fit, though they will be sticking out a bit. With some trimming, though, they (or any other weapon, like CMG's wide variety) can be adapted easily enough as a side-hugging weapon mount.

I also designed a pair of gatlings for this, so they should see production as well.

JHaygood said…
JBR is my favorite! I love everything you do!

Don M said…
The gunboats for Khurasan's Garn,
are horrifyingly brilliant!