The 28mm ScorpionMech Kickstarter Launches! Funds in 50 Minutes! Woot!

Good morning from Southern Nevada!

Today is the day.  Launch of the 28mm ScorpionMech Kickstarter campaign on behalf of my longtime client, Rebel Minis.

UPDATE:  We funded in 50 minutes, so you can be sure that the campaign will meet its goal.

Three stretch goals fell the first day.  15mm versions, 6/8mm version, and a jetpack pod for orbital insertions, are all now included in your basic pledge.

Jump in!

Here's some pics!

Updated some renders of individual weapons next to Waldo, my longtime reference figure (sculpted by Patrick Keith of Bombshell Miniatures).

I call these Asher Claws, named for Neal Asher, one of my favorite ("favourite," in his case) science fiction writers.  Mr. Asher's style is visceral and brutal, and not for the squeamish.  Right up my alley.
I envision Asher claws as being able to rip open the side of an armored hull or tough chitinous hide with its blades, then dumping a barrage of minigun fire into the open wound.

The main battle cannon is adapted from the Rebel Minis Merkava Artillery variant.  It is mounted on an offset adapter that bolts to the side of the ScorpionMech's hull.  It can be printed in two segments, or as one unified piece.  I like the hollow muzzle brake, which prints nicely after you fish out the internal supports.

The Buzzsaw Claw is a mainstay from the original design.  Just the thing for slicing through habitat walls or enemy mecha ankles.

The gun cluster is the central bit that can mount to the tail or forward claw hard points.  For those of you who magnetize, its weapons can swap out for different missions.  Dual flamethrowers and dual gatlings are included, but you can also mount Viper Suit weapons, if you backed those previous campaigns, bought them on our Cults3D store, or bundle them with your ScorpionMech pledge.

The Pincer Claw is another classic part updated for this Kickstarter, and is actually our sample giveaway part for those of you on the fence about backing.
You can download it here, free of charge, no strings attached.  All rights reserved, of course.

Everybody loves gatlings.  So, I adapted one last night from the Renegar-class Megatank and included it in the basic pledge.  Yay!  It will mount, like the battlecannon, on an offset part that attaches to the main hull.

For those of you with smaller printers, don't worry.  This beast should fit.

The Main Hull is the largest piece, but will still fit within the build envelope of a Mars 2 sized printer.

3D prints of the main hull, with Waldo for scale.

Completed model, with banana for scale.

ScorpionMech vs. Viper Suits.
Guess who will win?

Model layouts.


ScorpionMech with boot for scale.  It's a big one!

ScorpionMech on the rocks.

Feel like pledging?

Thanks for your time.
