Critical Mass Games Ygs Gunman Assault Mecha Assembly Guide

The Ygs aliens from Critical Mass Games have always been a personal favorite of mine. 

They are stubby, ornery, and look like they brook no argument. 

There was such wonderful character in the few sculpts PF did for the CMG Mercenaries line that I petitioned Craig and Dale to let me make a support mecha just for them. 
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth on my part, they finally gave in to my relentless demands, and the Ygs received their own mecha.

Here's the formal description of the Ygs Gunman...

"Description: Ygs Ygaden Gunman Assault Mecha. Kit comes with two Pistol arms. Its back packs has twin Plasma blast Cannons."

The "Ygaden" part was the original word from Ygs.  Gunman, obviously, is the translation.  You see why it fits.

On to the assembly guide.

First, the colour-coded parts legend.  Different parts are coloured according to how they attach, or their specificity.

 First, the torso/main hull fits over a round lug coming up from the hips and legs.

 The head fits into a peg and socket arrangement at the top of the main hull/torso.

 The weapons backpack fits onto the rear of the main hull.

 The two Ygs Plasma Cannons fit on each CMG Accessory socket.

 The Ygs Shoulders attach on each side of the main hull.

 Left and Right Ygs Pistol arms are attached to the 1/8" ball and socket arrangements.

There is completed Ygs Gunman Assault Mecha.
They're a nasty little fireplug, sold in single units and platoons of three.

On to the customization through various parts in the CMG Mecha Workshop.

 Here, I've swapped out the plasma cannons for Ygs Mortar Bombs.

 This is the Ygs take on the Blackguard Assault Mecha.  Two Blackguard Plasma Cannons, and Two 4-pack missile launchers.
 This version swaps out one distance weapon for a Ygs Sword arm, and a Twin Autocannon.
 Twin Energy Cannons and Ygs Mortar Bombs make up this version's armament, along with Vanguard shoulders.
 This fellow is an all-around threat, both near and far.  The Ygs sword arm is back, but a Vanguard Railgun is added over one shoulder.
A left Ygs pistol arm and shoulder from before rounds out this little experiment in customization.

Hope you enjoyed it.

