Silent Running

I haven't posted in a while, I know.

As you may or may not know, the wife and I own a home in Ground Zero of the foreclosure crisis, Southern Nevada.

We've been battling the bank to keep our house.

Right now, we're at a stalemate, of sorts, and I'm too flustered (actually, raving-insane mad) to sit down and compose myself enough to sculpt.

So, for the foreseeable future, I'm tied up with real-life problems.



daveb said…
Sorry to hear about your woes. I've been following a blog that covers a variety of economic topics. There is a lot of coverage on the slimy crap that the banks and servicers are pulling, as well as the occasional hopeful story about people that have successfully challenged the banks and won.

If you have time you may want to check it out. There is a pretty steep learning curve (at least there was for me), but I feel it's very worthwhile. Depending on your situation there very well may be worthwhile information to mine on strategies and ways to proceed.

"naked capitalism" is the name of the blog.

Good luck.
daveb said…
As a follow up (there's a lot of info there). Here is a decent post:

Also try looking at real estate or banana republic tags.
David said…
That sucks, John. I really hope you and your family can work through this.

Funny how the pundits are all trying to talk up the recovery and Goldman Sachs is posting record profits again, yet in the real world we're still waiting.

We haven't had things so bad down here, but we're all very aware we're one paycheck away from crashing.
Lead Legion said…
All the best John. I can't offer any useful advice, only my best wishes.
John Bear Ross said…
Well, don't get me wrong, guys, the world isn't ending.

It's just damn infuriating trying to untangle the predicament the servicing company (they're not even a real bank) put us in.

No matter what, things will work out. Hopefully sooner than later.

Unknown said…
".one paycheck away from crashing."

Seems like too many of us are in this position, over the other side of the pond too.

All my best wishes,

MIK said…
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Wes said…
I had no clue of this issue. I live in the east (NEW Jersey) and we have other issues, but i took the time and ended up watching an hour long news story, from a Chanel 8 news. The reason i took a n intrest is I was in foreclosure about 5 years ago. I now under stand why they wanted me to not pay and default. My wife was following their instructions and I decided not to. That saved us. We forced them into an inflated payment for one year. I think the law in NJ was on our side.

Stay tough. Do not lose hope. And tell every one of the crimes they are committing against you.

My thught.