Work Started On Comfy Chair Mechs, Critical Mass Hoverbikes

Well, I'm making good on the declaration that I'd soon be prototyping like a man on fire. Here are the first of several offerings that can be shown.

The Scorpion is a development of the Spidermech I did for Comfy Chair Games. Notice the legs that the two have in common. This is just the bulk-out, more proof of concept than anything. I'll be modifying things to look even meaner, and adding a tail. This is going to be a close-in brawler, but will be able to mount weaponry. Stay Posted.

Also, Critical Mass wanted hoverbikes, so I dug up a design from the archives, and I'll be doing it for them. This is a hoverbike with dual pods, one for lift, the other for motive power. This is the rough-out for the light/scout version. A heavier, "battle-bike" version will be done, with approval.

Well, that's all for now. I've got some overtime this weekend, so prototyping may slip. Tthe day I go to dayshift looms, but I enjoy the pressure of getting these things out by my self-imposed deadline. Who needs sleep anyway.

Like I said before, my upcoming change in scheduling won't be the end of the world, but a large amount of adjustment will happen. Keep the faith.

John Bear Ross


David said…
Never been a fan of walking tanks or mechs, I'm afraid.

I do like your hoverbike, though. I have been looking for a decent mini for a while as I don't really like the old Laserburn bikes from

If they're for Critical Mass, I assume they're 15mm bikes? If you're doing riders as well, can you do at least one bad dog? I have some vargr characters that ride gravbikes, and it would be neat to have minis of them :)

Good luck with the new shifts - doesn't sound like fun having to change your life around AND take a pay cut.
John Bear Ross said…
They are 15mm scale hoverbikes. Craig and Dale will have their manual sculptors adapt riders to the finished units. Whether their canine race will ride bikes, I can't say for sure. Probably a good topic for their forum.

Thanks for the add on the "Follower" tab, btw.
