Wolfmech Prototype Printed Out

I'm dashing out the door on my way to work, but wanted to show you the printout of the Wolf. John at moddler.com was kind enough to send this my way, and now I'm sharing it with you. This model is going to be beautiful on your tabletop or diorama.



PS Check out Chad Hardin's awesome pencils on his latest blog entry. Sweet, Chadimus! Comic-Con here we come!


APJ said…
Truly shocking ! First seeing the 3D art and now the end result... Wow ! Excellent work once again Mr. Ross.
John Bear Ross said…
Thank you, sir.
Eli Arndt said…
This strikes a particularly nostalgic nerve with me. It reminds me of the Zoids toys that my little brother and I used to collect together as kids.

Well done!
