Drop Pod for Khurasan Miniatures

Here's a build I've been cleared to let you folks in on. It's a drop pod that has already made impact on the ground, unfolding its doors to unleash its cargo of biological weaponry upon an unsuspecting enemy. Khurasan tells me these will be filled with their various alien sculpts (in game play), that will swarm over enemy defenses.

The sculpt itself took a bit of work to get just right. The two sections are the deployed doors, layed out, and a central bit that has a small explosive-throwing weapon on its mast. Basically, this drop pod is supposed to be a "Death Blossom," as it was termed, spreading hate and discontent on everything within its blast radius.




Andyroo said…
That looks a very nice piece of kit to drop down on the table in hundreds. I like the flat single spine design compared to the chunky GW ones.

How big is this and is it for 6mm / 15mm or 2Xmm? 15mm is my hope but I would take 6mm at a push...

John Bear Ross said…

The drop pod doesn't have any true "scale clues" that lock into strict usage with any one scale or game system. The large grid squares in the 3d renders are in inches, or 25.4mm if you're in the metric world. Thus, it's about 2 inches by 2 inches, or 51mm by 51mm.

It's intended for Khurasan's 15mm figures, but again, it will probably fit well in any scale setting with ease.
