Veteran's Day, and Another Chapter Done. Secret Agent X News, Too!

Well, Happy Veteran's Day. If you know one, whether they went to war or not, they placed themselves in harm's way for this society and nation. The ones that went to war put it all on the line, and some of them never made it back. Make a vet's day: look them in the eye, and give them a simple "thank you." Trust me, that small bit of heartfelt gratitude will mean the world to them.

In other news, I've managed to knock out another chapter in the Mars McCoy story. It's a bit laborious at times, but the rescue scene involving a spinning interstellar freighter and blaster-cannon fire was fun to write.

Finally, the Secret Agent X story I wrote over the summer is going to be published in Secret Agent X, Volume III, from Airship 27 Productions. My editor, Ron Fortier, has approved the release of the cover image. Wow! That's my name! Who-da thunk it?!?!


Ron Fortier said…
Hi John, and thanks a million for promoting our soon-to-be-released
Secret Agent X anthology with your terrific adventure. We think its clearly the best issue we've done yet and are very, very anxious to get it out there.