New Releases From Critical Mass Games For Salute 2014, Part 2

 Here's Part 2 of the releases that Critical Mass Games has planned for Salute 2014, one of the premiere game shows in the UK. 

Here's Part One, detailing the release of the Arc Fleet Walker Advance.

Today's subject is the Vanguard Mercenary Mecha.  This was done under the working title "New Merc Mech" while I was sculpting it.

Click here for the search results from my blog for a lot of in-progress shots of sculpting this versatile beast.

Here you can see a trio of Zas Ravager jump assault mecha, along with a Zas Blackguard fire support beastie.  These photos are courtesy of CMG's Twitter feed.

The beauty of the Vanguard is that it benefits from the foundations laid down by the Astagar, Ygs, and Zas mecha.

Many of the Vanguard's components swap out to these predecessors, and it is also able to use nearly every part from them as well.  Torsos, backpacks, shoulders, legs, and forearm weapons were all designed to be mixed and matched.  A beautiful modular system, when you think of all the possibilities.

 Here are a couple painted examples of a Vanguard, kitted out for some heavy direct fire support.  The overhead energy cannons were a joint effort by myself and the talented Charles Oines.

I love the sinister paint scheme by the equally sinister Dale Hurst.

Here are a couple screen captures that mimic the painted real-life examples above.  That bad boy is loaded for bear, no doubt about it.

Quick reminder:  If you're attending Salute and want to pre-order the Vanguard or any of the other new releases (or a starter army!), click here for the CMG pre-order page.  Deadline is soon, April 9th.


PS, as a bit of fun, Craig from CMG put this up on Twitter, and I'm sure it will be on the table at Salute and other demos.  I love it.


stealth_841 said…
The world has gone Mecha mad and I am loving it.
John Bear Ross said…
I don't suffer from mecha madness; I enjoy every minute of it. ;)
