Rifle Revamp

Pre Operation 1.
Pre Operation 2.

Pre Operation 3.

I recently ordered a new lower receiver for my beloved FN FAL-pattern rifle. It's a recent development from DS Arms, called the Hampton lower. It incorporates an M-16A2 rear sight, which is the old sight system I was trained on by the Corps.

The boy and I spent some time taking the parts out of the old lower receiver, and installed them into the new one. He was enjoying it, passing tools to his daddy. Hopefully he'll remember it.

Post-Operation. All internals swapped out nicely.

Concrete, Toes, and Beerz.

I celebrated with a couple beers, a Gordon Biersch Blonde Bock and Marzen. Ah, the taste of victory!

The new lower passed a function check, and will get zeroed in this weekend.


P.S. Sorry about the lack of Minis Blogging as of late. I'll get back to it soon. Expect big things (literally) from what I'm working on for Rebel Minis.


Mark Mondragon said…
Sweet! I have a FAL as well. I dropped some Falcon Arms springs in it to get the trigger pull down.

I like the FAL rifle, its a true battle rifle.... but I much prefer shooting my HK SL8-6. Smooooooth as buttah.

All the best,
John Bear Ross said…
Awesome. I have a buddy with an SL8. He did the magwell conversion on it, and it feeds beautifully from AR mags. Very accurate. Very Nice.

Here's my full write-up on the build over at the FAL Files...

We'll have to go shooting, Mark, if you ever escape from California.

Mark Mondragon said…
I would like that! Just need to remove all the ridiculous Kalifornia crud from my rifles :)
Ben said…
Beautiful :)
I use an old SLR as my main rifle for most hunts I do these days, simply can't beat it.