Critical Mass Games Revealed

Well, the reveal code has been given for one of my clients, the newly-emerged Critical Mass Games. Their future website is parked at...

You can see a source art pic of their planned races and factions for their 15mm sci fi venture. It's good stuff. Mark over at Dropship Horizon debuted the infantry figs yesterday. If you haven't checked out Dropship Horizon and are interested in 15mm/1-100th scale models and gaming, swing over there. The link is in the sidebar of my followed blogs, or here...

In the meantime, I'm going to start some WIP pictures of the Walker I did for Critical Mass. Critical Mass wanted a "turret on legs," and based on that description, I knocked out the initial sketch.
After approval, I did a rough bulk-out in Rhino, which is my preliminary digital sculpting stage that lets me figure out major armor components, basic structure, and other elementary parts of a sculpt. Stay tuned for more.

John Bear Ross


Eli Arndt said…
Hey there,

I like the images so far. The guns seems a bit big for my taste, but I know that is a look that sells and shouldn't be too hard to re-gun.

Mainly I like the body design. I can dig the walking tank look. I also like that the pic seems to indicate fewer fiddly surface details and a more "realistic" finish than some other mecha out there.

emu2020 @ TMP
John Bear Ross said…

"WIP" or "Work In Progress" is actually a misnomer for this mecha. "WTP," or "Work That Progressed" is probably more appropriate.

A lot more detail will be digitally carved into the hull, so the smooth look you're looking for will eventually yield to a more detailed surface as this build progresses (progressed, actually). I am working on some new projects right now, though, that will better serve your quest for a smooth-skinned mecha, with less shot traps and stylistic features.

I appreciate your comments, though. Stay tuned!

Eli Arndt said…
No so much looking for smooth and featureless but just not absolutely criss-crossed by this and that.

Think about the illustrations in the earlier Battletech books where the vehicles there were just a mess of lines.

You have my interest piqued with your comment on upcoming designs.
