Another Hawken Update
I revisited the first Hawken post I did last year, as I sculpt more and more bits (I'm rusty!) for a "JunkMech" sprue I'm cooking up.
I wanted a bit more inspiration, and found that after months of silent running, the Hawken development team has been pretty active. So, I skimmed through Google Image Search and Youtube, and gleaned a few tidbits to share with you. I'm very impressed with what I found. Khang Le is really bringing a very interesting spin to this project.
And, the mechs seem to be Viper and HAMR-suit sized, so that's a nice coincidence with a lot of the stuff I sculpt. Lots of possibilities...
Here's a live action Youtube trailer. Very cool stuff.
And a longer vid (about 8 minutes) of a game producer walking you through the customization process.
Just thought you guys might be interested. A few of the gameplay videos show that speed and movement seems to be less frenetic than earlier trailers, so maybe I'll be able to play when it is released for PC.
P.S. I've added Dwartist's Painting Blog to my sidebar. He's Khurasan Jon's go-to painter, and does masterful work.