Griffin WIP, Part 7

Well, time to wrap up the Griffin Work In Progress series. Here's the Griffin, posed, with a pair of legs. The bar you'll see in the pics is a slotted base that should be compatible with most 28mm scale bases. It also gives you a size reference. This guy is going to be tiny, but very intricately detailed, in his N scale form.

Here's a smaller, zoomed-out view of the Griffin, to give you a sense of perspective on its intended size...
And here's the Kite, with a pair of legs that denote a "stomping on the brakes" pose. These armors will be zipping around the battlefield on vectored thrust, so one set of legs was posed like this. The other set of active-posed legs has the feet pushed behind the model, like it has its afterburners at full power.

You can also see the large taser-like weapon mounted under the forearm. This was described as an EMP-type weapon that overloads other armors.

And here's the full layout of pieces. Very modular. Very poseable. The last two sword-like weapon arms are a baton-like weapon that can also extend a blade from it.

I think Dallas and his new company Conflict Horizon Miniatures has a hit on his hands with this one. I'll let you know when they're for sale.



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